Built In WIX
Social Explorations started using WIX as a web building platform many years ago. We started by using the platform for our company website as we were tired of the constant updates that traditional platforms needed in order to stay relevant in search engines. We quickly learned that WIX not only stays current on it's own, but the ease and use of adding content or making changes made this platform a game changer.
We started building a few sites for our IT customers and quickly realized how powerful and easy it was to you WIX. Many of our clients make daily changes on their own and which has resulted in their IT spending on websites to drastically decrease. The back-end of WIX is incredibly user friendly. We always tell our customers that if you can use a Word Processing Program or write an email, you can easily use WIX. It is that simple.
Simplicity doesn't equal basic. WIX sites are incredibly powerful and scalable, with a plethora of apps that can easily be added to your website.
Below are a few of our clients that we have designed using the WIX platform. Take a look for yourself and drop us a line if you interested in learning more.
Click On Any Of The Businesses Below To See Their Designed in WIX site.